Your Feet In Two Canoes!

Posted: October 10, 2013 by kentuckyprincess1 in Carolyn's Corner, Controversial Subjects
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Your Feet In Two Canoes! The Spiritual Choice Put Before You Today Is Straightforward:

1. Will you choose the path of sin and spiritual death?


2. Will you choose the path of Jesus Christ and spiritual life?

This is found in the scriptures: DEUT. 30:19 Aren’t you tired of being torn apart inside trying to choose between your two masters. When trying to live with Your Feet In Two Canoes they continue to drift in opposite directions and so do you. God has some straight talk for you right from His Word in Joshua 24:15. “Choose… This day whom you will serve.” “Choose!,” He said. With everything that is going on around us like the Government shutdown, the workers out of work, the economy going broke, the liberties being taken away from us, and I could continue to go on. But my main gold is to reach the people that don’t know God or have fallen away and try to warn them that time is getting short. We have to be working fast to win these souls. God says to go out and preach the Gospel to all living creators. In Acts 10:36, He says, “The Word which God sent unto the Children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ,” {this is justifying Peace, which comes instantly upon the acceptance of Christ}: [ He is Lord of all:] this means:{Jesus Christ is Lord because He has made Salvation possible for all who will believe,} scripture reference: [Phil. 2:11]. We look around, hear, and see the things that is going on in our nation. God is sending out warnings to show people that the time for playing around is over. You have to make the choice today to choose The One who loves you most. Choose The One you’ll be with forever. Don’t wait till The Rapture has taken place to decide. Make your choice today! Things are going to get much worse and He’s giving you a chance. Please don’t be like the people of Israel and the people in the day of Sodom and Gomorrah. The sins that is being committed in our nation today God destroyed a city and nation because of it. So, as I lay it out for you here is a statement with four choices on it I pray that you make the right one. “CHOOSE JESUS!!!” I pray God’s blessings on you and His face to shine upon you as you ponder on this. Where sin abounds His grace doth much more abound.

Who Will You Choose?

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